"Empowering people to publish creative works on an indelible global platform . . . We all have the power to immutably archive our history on the blockchains."
Apertus is a Blockchain reader/writer that currently uses non-redeemable destination addresses as a free-form 20-byte field to immutably store data onto a blockchain. The data is referenced and retrieved by Apertus using the final transaction id of the process; the Root ID.
Coins used are forever burned into the blockchain in a process we call "etching."
Apertus can support most coins with the proper settings. Many cryptocoin settings are pre-loaded into Apertus.
Quick warning: Apertus is experimental software. Bugz will occur. Apertus is a great publishing tool - but use with caution. It's NOT wise to have large amounts of valuable cryptocoin in your Apertus-linked wallet.
Another quick warning: Apertus currently doesn't support encrypted wallets. This upgrade is coming, but in the mean-time, it's extra-important to heed the warning to not keep lots of valuable coin in your wallet OR be doing silly etchings with signatures potentially for the taking.
Quick tip: When in doubt, if things aren't working like they should after you make changes in settings etc, try rebuilding the page (ctrl-enter) or restart Apertus, and/or the blockchain in question.
Not-so-quick warning: By default, Apertus attempts to filter out all unsafe content. Treat any etchings you see with the same caution you would use with unknown emails or links. When navigating blockchains, do not download or run executable files from sources you have not verified. We haven't seen any malicious content yet - it may be inevitable - but perhaps humans can change.
Quick perspective: Using Apertus and blockchains is kinda akin to using email in 1984. There's a learning curve due to the many manual things that must be done for now.
Quick shameless cry-for-help: Apertus is a HugPuddle open-source project. Your wisdom and resources to make this project better are more than welcome. We need your hugz.
The following instructions are in the best order to understand the full-functionality of Apertus.
Happy Blockchaining!
Apertus requires the full wallet/blockchain of the coin you are using to be loaded and running on your computer.
We recommend using the Bitcoin Testnet for your first run, especially if you're not proficient with blockchain usage. Go to the chapter Downloading Bitcoin Testnet & General Wallet Info
~Download the full wallet (and thus the blockchain) of the coin you wish to work with.
~Fully synchronize your wallet before you begin. (if you decide to move forward with editing your Apertus settings while it syncronizes, don't expect the etching process to work until the wallet syncs).
~Note that Apertus doesn't currently support encrypted wallets, Apertus-linked wallets must currently remain unencrypted. (Can you code this? Free hugz to whomever can do it :) Find us at Github - Apertus).
~After the coin has fully synchronized, the wallet needs the RPC (remote procedure calls) enabled. A special file called a configuration file, aka, "conf" file needs to be created and placed in a certain spot.
Back to Index1. Shut down your synced coin wallet.
2. Open Notepad (located in programs/accessories).
3. Copy the following code:
4. Paste into your Notepad file. Make sure they are left-justified, with no spaces on the left.
5. After rpcuser= put any user name you want (spaces are not allowed).
6. After prcpassword= put any password you want (spaces are not allowed).
7. The configuration file must be placed into a special folder associated with your wallet. (go to 8 if you haven’t done this before)
Example: C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf
Example: C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Litecoin\litecoin.conf
8. Go to File, click "Save As”.
9. At the bottom, change "Save as type" to "All Files".
10. Enter bitcoin.conf under file name. (or corresponding coin name)
11. Click on "Local Disk" (usually on the far left, towards the bottom), then "users", then {yourusername}, then "AppData", then "Roaming."
~You may need to enable the viewing of hidden folders and files to see the AppData Folder.
(this process is different for each version of windows, google this process if need be)
(windows 7 example: Start button - Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Show hidden files and folders - Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled “Hide extensions for known file types.” Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled “Hide protected operating system files.”)
12. Click save. (keep the file open on your desktop for now)
(can you code the automation of conf files? free hugz & credit to whomever can do it! Find us at Github - Apertus).
Back to Index1. Restart your coin wallet, wait for it to re-sync (will be quicker this time).
2. Open Apertus.
3. If this is the first time you've opened Apertus, you'll need to click the two arrows to show features. It's recommened you open the window to the full screen during the first few uses so you can see all features/settings available.
4. When open, click "Settings", then click "wallet".
5. Select the wallet you want from the top pulldown menu "Select Wallet From List".
6. At the bottom, change the "RPC User" info to the user name you created in the conf file.
7. Change the "RPC Password" info to the password you created.
8. At the bottom, make sure "Enable Wallet" is check-marked.
9. Click save in the upper right corner.
10. Restart Apertus (exit all Apertus files, exit Apertus, re-start Apertus).
Apertus is now ready to read and write data on the coin's blockchain.
Back to IndexYou may wish to Monitor the Blockchain for Apertus etched data prior to etching. We suggest you open a second Apertus window for monitoring, and keep the other one for etching. Apertus will run better this way.
1. Ensure you have fully synchronized your coin, and you have rebooted it since making the conf file.
2. Ensure you have rebooted Apertus after you set the configurations for the coin.
3. To begin monitoring, check the "Monitor Blockchains" check box on the middle right side of the main page.
NOTE: the checkmark may not show up right away, click once, wait, possibly a few seconds, don’t click multiple times, it may take a moment or two or longer depending on how many blockchains you are monitoring.
4. If no error appears, Apertus is now monitoring the blockchain(s) for data.
If an error appears here's debug checklist:
~check to make sure your coin is synced
~your conf file is saved correctly
~your conf file is saved in the right place
~your computer is in fact in the same universe as your corporeal self; check parallel universe settings.
~your conf file has the same RPC User and Password as the Apertus Wallet Settings.
~you've tried to reboot your coin and Apertus at least once each
Java error when browsing web sites using Apertus:
These errors are due to the Browser plugin defaulting to IE 7. This requires a registry setting to resolve. Following the instruction below to add the appropriate setting
1. Run RegEdit
2. Browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION
3. Right Click select New DWORD
4. Enter ADD.exe into Label
5. Double Click New Entry, Select Decimal
6. Enter 1100, Click OK
Apertus uses small amounts of coin to immutably embed data onto blockchains. Apertus does this by using non-redeemable destination addresses as a free-form 20-byte field to store data onto a blockchain. Coins used are forever burned into the blockchain in a process we call etching. Apertus & HugPuddle assess no fees for this. All coins are used in the etching process, and on miner fees. You will need to put some coin into your wallet for this to work. Like we said, this is experimental, we recommended you don’t use your primary wallet as a safety precaution.
Go to Getting Coin for your Wallet to get some basic instructions on how go about getting cryptocoin.
1. Fully synchronize your coin and ensure it and Apertus are rebooted since making the conf file and setting the configurations.
2. At the middle/left of the Apertus screen, click "Select Blockchain"
3. Select the wallet you are using.
4. Click "Active Accounts".
5. Select the account you want to use. If you haven't named your accounts in your wallet, you will need to do that within your wallet. Apertus needs named accounts to work. If you don't know how to do this, go to Downloading Bitcoin Testnet & General Wallet Info, for more information.
6. Go to the large main area where it says "ENTER MESSAGE HERE" - click on it.
7. Enter your message there, and/or add a file using the "attach" feature.
8. Click "SAVE" on the far right. (You may need to have patience for files larger than 25kb).
A save warning will come up. It's making sure you are sure you want to save, and letting you know that if you happen to be etching a large file that has data that repeats (white spaces, etc), that Apertus may not have accurately predicted the cost of the etching (always wise to have more than Apertus says you need). The warning is also letting you know that Apertus may say "not responding" while etching. It is in fact etching. And when it appears to be doing nothing, and nothing has posted, and the file is larger than about 25kb - Apertus is waiting for the last grouping of sub-etchings to confirm before moving on to more.
Click yes if you're ready. You can shut off the warning by unclicking the checkmark in the "Save Warning" box.
You’ve just put immutable data on a Blockchain :)
But there are a shit-ton more ways to use Apertus - keep rollin...
no message option - checking the no message option box will cause apertus to only interpret the commands sent in the message box. it will not etch the message box text itself. this is usefull when assigning keywords in conjuction with the link feature. when checked #keywords can be assigned without having to etch the keyword text itself.
Note: Apertus currently doesn't update how much coin you have in your wallet after an etching - you'll need to reselect the wallet to see your new amount.
(can you code better threading? wallet amount updates? other funky things? free hugz & credit to whomever can do it! Find us at Github - Apertus).
The immutability (unprunability) of Apertus comes from the fact that it uses small amounts of unrecoverable coin per 20 bytes of data to ensure the network "saves" it.
This makes a blockchain permanently bigger and increases the unspent transaction output ram, thus puts a burden on the system.
Apertus has adjustable settings that allow you to increase miner fees if you want to assess yourself a fee to offset this burden. A Parking Fee. Apertus comes pre-set with current network minimuns, but we advocate for the miners and feel an additional parking fee should be considered.
1. Under the “Settings” tab, click “Wallets.”
2. In the new box, select the wallet you are working with from the pull down menu.
3. Under Transaction Fee, change the setting to any larger amount you want.
Ex. if it is set at 0.0001, you can increase it by a factor of 10 by setting it to 0.001
4. Click Save.
HugPuddle is looking into ways to utilize the op_return 40 feature in a decentralized way which will eliminate the unspent tx output issue, and give miners the options to ignore the op_return data and reduce the bloat.
We at HugPuddle believe however the costs involved to etch, and the value it gives to the blockchain, will in fact bring additional value to the blockchains. Apertus encourages downloading and usage of blockchains, generating interest and network strength.
We believe in a discussion to implement a basic standard into all cryptocoin. And op_return of at least 80 is more functional for decentralized features, and/or the sendmany to work during this operation.
We support creative methods to embed data into blockchains so it may be sustainable and be preserved for future generations.
Datacoin, Florincoin, & Namecoin offer unique data storing methods we are looking at to integrate functionality - in the meantime, Apertus works on all of these as-is, and more - let's get creative people :)
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Apertus allows you to archive a sha256 hash of your file using a built-in hashing system.
This allows a user to archive a "proof" of a file by the hash alone. When profiles and signatures are used, this can be done to "prove" the user is the one who created the file due to the properties of the blockchain (sig alg and decentralized time-stamp ledger). This hash also can be a step to ensure data integrity, especially when used in conjuction with profiles and signatures.
In the output, the hash will appear first, then any data you put in the data entry window will appear after.
Searching for Proof Hash
~Select "File" then "Search."Apertus allows you to follow threads of information that people have hashtagged.
To follow a thread, put the name of the thread with a hashtag # in front of it into the address bar of Apertus ex --> #Apertus
This will require a full scan of the blockchain to get all the information - say yes when Apertus asks, it may take a few minutes. To know when it's done, you'll need to minimize Apertus and all window to see the Wallet's re-indexing timeline.
When done, re-start Apertus.
To see the thread, go to the middle left side of Apertus to the drop-down menu, "Refresh Follow." You'll see the hashtag you just followed.
If you shut down Apertus and the blockchain, and then later reboot, Apertus will automatically scan for new content for thosee threads.
Tip: If you are wanting to follow many threads, and you know which ones, the easiest way is to put in the hashtag in the address bar at the top as instructed, but then don't rescan yet, simply keep doing this procedure with all the threads you want to follow, then on the last one, THEN say yes. Apertus will scan for them all :) Reboot Apertus when done, and they'll all be there.
Back to IndexOne can "link etches" in Apertus. This function allows a person to link previously etched content to newly etched content, without re-etching the old content. Apertus searches for the root ID and re-broadcasts linked to your new etch.
When Apertus is on an etching you wish to link your response to, click the icon in the upper right hand corner of the main Apertus page that looks like two chain links.
Enter your response in the text box, hit save.
Back to IndexA profile is essentially a blockchain based entity that is anchored using a cryptographic signature
It can be utilized to create a personal profile, or one of an object, an entity, a file... frankly, we haven't fully explored the full potential of this yet. Our minds are kinda blown when we talk about it. We'd love to hear your ideas on this.
Currently there is no way to estimate the cost of etching your profile (on the to-do list).
If you use only text, and a small photo, it won't take much.
If you use a photo, ensure it is under 25kb for quick etching, and for lower coin usage.
A thumbnail is all that is needed for profile purposes. If you go larger than 25kb, it could take Apertus and the wallet some time to etch. You'll have to be patient.
If you are using Bitcoin, try using BitcoinTestnet first to practice & get an estimate on cost before you burn real Bitcoin. If you're using anything else, chances are it's cheap and there's no harm done.
~ As always, the blockchain you are using must be synced.
~ Within Apertus, select the wallet you wish to use (middle left).
~ Select an account with coin.
~ Click Settings \ Profiles (up top)
~ Click the + button, click in the white space next to the + button, enter a label for the profile, hit enter.
~ Enter a shortname (this is what will appear with your etches), and any other data you would like to share (nothing else is required for it to work properly).
~ Click on the Tip Address +, enter a label for your tip address, hit enter.
~ If you wish to import a Tip Address - simply put the private key into the tip address box, hit enter, and Apertus will prompt you for a label.
(if you want to create a customized tip address - the best program we can find for that is here --> Lifeboat's VanityGen)
~ When all the fields you want are entered, click on the Save button (upper right corner). Sit back and wait as your profile is created. If you chose a large pic, despite our recommendations, it could take awhile. Either way, the transactions have to confirm before you'll see the profile pic in action.
~ To use your Profile the next time you load Apertus, just select it from the Profile drop down box on the lower right corner of the main screen before etching.
Back to IndexSigning an archive proves the archivist owns the signing address. It is above and beyond a profile. Signing your archives allows other Apertus users to trust, follow and find your archives.
Signatures, in conjunction with Profiles, allows you to be necessarily identified as the entity of your choice. (Theseus' ship - solved).
~ On the main Apertus screen, go to the lower right corner and click the + symbol that's to the left of Select Signature.
~ Enter the name of the signature you wish use, it can be the same name as your profile, or different, hit enter.
~ It's ready to use.
~ To use again, simply select it from the "Active Signatures" drop-down menu prior to etching.
Import Signature Address:The trust center allows users to trust executable content archived onto blockchains by establishing a trusted address lists.
One can see basic text and picture posts without trusting a signature. Trusting a signature will bypass Apertus’ default security features (ex. html formatting and scripting, executable files.
If you wish to see all the content someone has posted, you'll need to Trust their signature to allow Apertus to do so.
~ Go to Settings / Trust Center
~ Click on the white area below the word "Trusted".
~ Enter the signature you wish to trust (one can cut and paste a signature, make sure there are no spaces in the front or it won't paste. If it doesn't work right -try pasting it into notepad and re-copying, then paste)
~ Click the "+" sign to the right.
~ It's done, you've trusted the signature.
The Trust Center also allows you to block content from signatures.
~ Click on the white area below the word "Blocked".
~ Click the "+" sign to the right.
~ It's done, you've just blocked the signature.
~ Entering a signature in the above process, then clicking "-" will then remove the sig from either Trusted or Blocked catagories.
Note: after trusting a signature, you may need to refresh the page for an expected function to work. Hold shift then push enter for this to happen.
Back to IndexTipping is the act of sending someone cryptocoin because you dig an etching they did, or you generally like them, or this function can be utilized if you made a purchase and want to include some metadata, or just wanna send them some coin.
Tipping works when the receiving user etched their work with their profile turned on, and their tip address activated.
~ Navigate to an etching that you know to be a profile with tips enabled (seeing the profile with numbers/letters directly underneath the profile pic means the tip is enabled).
~ The heart in the upper right hand corner will be black instead of grey. Sometimes one needs to push ctrl-enter to re-build the page properly.
~ Click the heart, this will create "A Tip @xyz... " in your etching text box.
~ You can enter a message along with it as well, and/or a file, and/or link to the etching you are tipping. You can also delete the words "a tip" - that's autogenerated. The "@xyz...>x.xxx" must remain. You can edit the tip amount as well.
~ Click Save, and you've tipped.
See Apertus as a Quasi Multi-Wallet Interface for information on how to use Apertus to send someone coin :)
Back to IndexLoad the wallet you wish to work with. Configure it using the process' explained in proceeding or following chapters.
Select the Blockchain and Account to work with.
In the text field enter @Address>amount
Add a comment if you want, ie, an explanation of the sale perhaps (reciept) then click save.
Boom, dawn of a new era. Crytocoin sent with a decentralized message :)
Also, sharing a Vault key with someone else allows people to share part of a wallet.
All coins put towards that private key will be accessable to all owners of that key.
Back to Index
Apertus can support many cryptocoins - we've included many pre-installed settings - but if you don't see the coin in the wallet settings file - try this procedure to get it going.
~ Wallet must be synced prior to installing on Apertus.
~ On the main Apertus page go to 'Settings' then click on 'Wallet Settings.'
~ Click the down arrow on 'Select Wallet From List.'
~ If you don't see your coins name, click any of the coins to begin customizing a new one.
~ Go to 'Wallet Name' and enter the name of the coin you are installing.
~ Click the tab 'Copy'. The name will show up in the list.
~ Enter the relavent data on this list:
Version Byte
~ Figure out what the leading character is in the coin's address.
~ Find it on the Bitcoin wiki page list of address prefixes.
~ Look to the left at the 'Decimal version.' This is your Version Byte.
~ If it gives you an address that you don't even use and tells you it's invalid, that means you have the Version Byte wrong. (there are a few options possible, try another one on the list)
Payload Size
~ This is done by digging in the code for the numbers OR experimentation. Enter the number that's defaulted on Bitcoin. (may be different)
Transaction Size
~ this is done by digging in the code for the numbers OR experimentation. Enter the number that's defaulted on Bitcoin. (may be different)
Transaction fee
~ this is done by digging in the code for the numbers OR experimentation. Enter the number that's defaulted on Bitcoin. It can be higher or lower, Apertus will help, read the error & change as needed.
Min Transaction
~ this is done by digging in the code for the numbers OR experimentation. Enter number that's defaulted on Bitoin. It can be higher or lower Apertus will help, read the error & change as needed.
~ If it says "transaction amount too small", increase Min Transaction.
RPC Port
~ Dig in the code for it, or:
~ While your code is running.
~ Goto the command prompt and type netstat /a
~ Close your wallet, wait a minute, open a different command prompt, then enter netstat /a
~ Look for the a unique listening port in the 1st command box prompt you opened. If you don't see one, try the process again. If there are two of them, try the lower number first. One of them is it.
~ If it says "Check Wallet Settings. Value cannot be null." That usually means your RPC Port is wrong (each coin can open 2 RPC IP ports, but only one of them make Apertus go, try the other one) OR you didn't do your Conf File properly.
~ if using your own computer.
RPC User & RPC Password
~ See Conf File instructions.
Troubleshooting Adding a Coin:
~ If it says "Check Wallet Settings. Value cannot be null." That usually means your RPC Port is wrong (each coin can open 2 RPC IP ports, but only one of them make Apertus go, try the other one) OR you didn't do your Conf File properly.
~ If it gives you an address that you don't even use and tells you it's invalid, that means you have the Version Byte wrong. (there are a few options possible, try another one on the list).
~ If it says "transaction amount too small", increase Min Transaction.
1. Download the newest version.
2. Unzip if needed. Copy the entire contents of the folder EXCEPT coin.conf and trust.txt (these most likely were customized by you, don't overwrite them).
3. Paste the contents into the old Apertus folder (may require a search to find the original folder).
4. When prompted, click "copy and replace.”
Back to IndexThere appears to be a bug in many coin wallets. After a high amount of transactions, the wallet can becomes unstable.
As of right now this is the best method we have to end the wallet freakout.
The best way to get started is to use a testnet. The best testnet right now is the Bitcoin Testnet.
At some point you'll want to pick a real blockchain that fits your needs based on cost, desire to stand the test of time, etc; but right now the Bitcoin Testnet is easiest to set-up and demonstate the features of Apertus.
Bitcoin Testnet is a test version of Bitcoin. One needs to first get the Bitcoin code at Bitcoin.org
Click “Get Started with Bitcoin”, then click “Choose your wallet”, download “Bitcoin Core"
Run Bitcoin Core. Follow the setup procedure BUT uncheck the "Run Bitcoin now" box at the end. If you forget to uncheck the box, no big deal, just shut down the wallet when it starts. The Bitcoin blockchain is currently around 60 gigs - it takes 12 to 72 hours to download and verify (depending on your computer power). The Bitcoin Testnet can take from 2 to 12 hours. Note that some testnets first require you to load their main blockchain program first (if only for a few seconds, it sets up some needed files, you can then shut it down) before you can properly run their testnet. Bitcoin Testnet is not one of them. Seem wierd yet? Damn right, this is the wild-west of computing.
To get the Testnet working takes a bit of effort:
First, click on the Windows icon in the lower left, click Computer, double click Local Disk c:, double click Program Files, double click Bitcoin, right-click Bitcoin-qt, select Create a Shortcut, say yes; right-click on the shortcut you just created on your desktop; select Properties; find Target; scroll to the far right in the Target box; put one space then type -testnet
It will kinda look like "C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" -testnet
Now click Apply, exit the window, double click the shortcut, and the Bitcoin Testnet will load.
One can easily find Bitcoin Testnet coins by searching for "Bitcoin Testnet Faucet" in a search engine. In the Bitcoin Testnet wallet click Recieve; then Request Payment; copy the address; paste this into the Bitcoin Testnet Faucets you find and jump through whatever hoop they require for them to send them to you :)
After they confirm, Apertus needs at least one account to be named, to do this, go to your wallet and click on "Transactions," then scroll down under the "type" to a "recieved with" entry. Right click on this, select "Edit label." Edit the label. Restart the coin and restart Apertus.
Ooof. Yeah, we know. All this stuff isn't easy - but the internet wasn't easy in the 80's either. The Power of the Blockchains will soon be yours.
Return to Syncronize Your Wallet
Bitcoin Testnet coins aren't to hard to get these days, simply enter "bitcoin testnet faucet" into your favorite search engine. In the Bitcoin Testnet wallet click Recieve; then Request Payment; copy the address; paste this into the Bitcoin Testnet Faucets you find and jump through whatever hoop they require for them to send them to you :)
Bitcoin itself is a bit more difficult. One can mine it, but that requires an ASIC these days. The best way is to buy it. Try Local Bitcoins, or Coinbase. You can try a search engine to find other ways, but buyer beware!
Getting other coins can be difficult as well. Once you have Bitcoin, you can trade Bitcoin for "alt coins," another name for coins that aren't Bitcoin.
The best place for many different kinds of alt-coins is Cryptsy. BTC e is also an option for some, and Bitcoin, plus the knowledge (or lack-of) in the troll-box is legendary. Another place is Bter & Coins-e. Again, buyer beware, keep coins in a private wallet when possible, backup your wallet, encrypt your soul.
It's always good practice to NEVER store your coins on an exchange. And NEVER keep a large amount of valuable coin in your Apertus wallet - remember - this is experimental software.
Back to Index2013-2022 Open-Source joy, feel free to share, but please attribute to HugPuddle & The AtomSea and embii.
Hugz as Bitcoin Tips for Apertus development 1HuGpUDDLEhvehXE1P6xeudqAHqKfs1BFM
Want to help code? (please :) ) Find us on Github - Apertus.